We are passionate about helping organizations achieve remarkable results.

We are therefore proud to present this example of how our methods have empowered this business to thrive:

“Predictability = Market Advantage

Alfa Laval - Small Heat Exchanger Assembly

Richmond, Virginia

Small Heat Exchanger Assembly


“He [Mark] thinks outside the box. He has a high energy level and is 100% focused on what he does. He is never satisfied with the status quo, but always looking at how any operation can be improved.”

-Ms. M. Nutt-Harding, Team Manager


  • Delivery Accuracy, From 76% to 98%!

  • Facility Space Utilization, Plus 20%!

  • Productivity, Improved 38%, 13 employees to 8!

  • Sustained Labor Savings, $250K/year!

Their Story

Picture a team perpetually shrouded in uncertainty, unaware of their work schedule until Thursday, leaving them scrambling to manage their personal lives. This erratic schedule inevitably compromised their quality of life. We ushered in a transformative change.

Team members now receive their full schedule for the entire week on Monday, providing clarity and predictability. This remarkable shift was achieved through a synergistic blend of visual leadership methods, optimized product flow, and additional lean process tools. During this 8-month project, these synergistic efforts yielded significant performance improvements, not only enhancing employee well-being but also delivering exceptional customer experiences.

Customers now enjoy unprecedented order fulfillment accuracy, with a 98% certainty that their orders will be completed at precisely specified times, such as 1:35 PM on Wednesday. This newfound predictability has cemented Alfa Laval's strategic market advantage.

Red Yellow Green - Inspire Empower Grow